Bead Head Red Tag Nymph
2.49 €
Buy at least 5 from this type and the sale price is 1.99 €
Buy at least 5 from this type and the sale price is 1.99 €
Spring, Summer, Autumn
Targer Fish:
Trout, Grayling, Nase, Chub, Carp, Barbel, Perch
Water Type:
River, Lake
Size list: 12 14
Hook: Demmon DGH900BL,
Head: Gold Tungsten,3,5, 3 mm
Thread: Unithread 8/0, Olive
Tail:Red Yarn
Hackle: Hen Feathers Segments, Brown
Underbody: Uni-Streach, Olive
Body: TL Fine Flash Dubbing
Ribbing: Uni Soft Wire, Cooper